Industry: Hotels & Hospitality
Location: Spain
Case Study

The lberostar Selection Marbella Coral Beach Hotel is a prestigious beachfront 172-room hotel in Costa de Sol near Marbella on Spain’s southern coast.
lberostar Hotels and Resorts is a hotel chain that always thinks about continuous improvement to guarantee its exceptional guest experience. lt is an industry leader in sustainability and environmental awareness.
Potential Improvements
The problems identified during the first inspection of the property were:Ā
The hotel did not have a water softener installed
Shower heads, particularly nozzles, were becoming blocked with limescale
Water flow was poor, and guest satisfaction was low with water quality
There were lime deposits evident in the piping systems
- Room cleaning presented extensive challenges related to hard water
- Concern over limescale deposits within the system causing blockage and potential equipment damage

Our Solution
Following a technical visit, installing two Integroā¢ units at critica[ points in the hot and cold-water systems was decided to remove existing limescale build-up and prevent any future formation. An Integroā¢ 8 unit was installed in the cold-water mains, and an Integroā¢ 3 unit was installed in the hot water return line.
Observational findings in areas of concern are as follows:
- Pipes: The two monitored pipes leading to the previously scaled taps showed no signs of limescale deposits.
- Cleaning: The cleaning team reported improved cleaning efficiency in ali bathrooms, without the need for extensive scrubbing or harsh anti-fouling products.
- Shower Heads: Multiple shower heads, both old and new, were installed as a control measure. Ali of them were reported to be perfectly clean and free of limescale, particularly in their nozzles where they tended to get clogged.
Summary & ResultsĀ
After checking the facilities a month after the equipment installation, we observed that the limescale in the pipes was practically wholly dissolved. After three months of use, observational findings have conclusively shown that the Integroā¢ technology has effectively broken down existing limescale in the system. No new deposits formed in the observed areas, leaving them completely free of limescale.
The lberostar Selection Coral Beach technical team can confirm that this installation has been 100% satisfactory. Sidon Water’s Integroā¢ system has been conclusively provento work to remove existing scale and prevent future build-up in hot and cold-water systems and critica[ equipment.
Contact Details
- 11777 Bernardo Plaza Ct, Suite 208, San Diego, CA, 92128
- 858-324-2700