Calle Pardela 2, B6 P1 BD, 35660 Corralejo, Las Palmas, Corralejo, Spain

Water Conditioning & What makes the Integro™ Different

‘Water Conditioning’, ‘Water Restructuring’, ‘Electrochemical Scale Elimination’, these are just some of the many terms that are used to describe technologies designed to prevent limescale build up via an electrochemical reaction. Over several decades there have been systems using magnets, wrap around coils and radio frequencies, to name but a few. They all have one thing in common, they cannot guarantee effective scale elimination in all environments. They are not poor products and aren’t completely ineffective. They are however, limited by the science that supports how they work, so at best can only help reduce the problem, not eliminate it. This is widely accepted, supported by independent scientific studies, and in a lot of cases openly documented on manufacturers’ own websites.

In almost all cases these systems are trying to force the precipitation of the scale forming minerals from the water solution. When in solution these minerals are not visible but by forcing them to precipitate they move from a liquid to a solid state, and can be seen as a white substance in the water. This is done with varying success, but never completely. What happens after this though is very important. Now that the minerals are out of solution and binding together in a new form, they may not create limescale but these visible white deposits need to be filtered from your water system. Failure to do this can result in appliances & heating equipment being fouled up, or the minerals simply dissolving back into the solution and the hard water problems will perpetuate.

The Integro™ is different. The nature of the electrochemical reaction within the water, and the method of its delivery, is unique. The key point is that there is no forced precipitation of the minerals, they are instead restructured so they will no longer bind to form scale, and they simply flow harmlessly through your water system. The restructuring effects of the Integro™ are long lasting and not limited by conditions such as time, distance, temperature or water pressure.

Traditional Water Conditioning Systems

Many of these systems work by producing an electronic field, wave current or magnetic field. The effect of this is that ions collide causing the calcium crystals to grow until they are so large that there are no more surface charges and they are less likely to stick to pipes and equipment. The theory is that these large crystals will then pass through the system without any scale forming.

Known Problems/Limitations:

  • The ‘large crystals’ will dissolve back into the water over time and in certain conditions, meaning that the water conditioning is temporary.
  • This clumping of the crystals/minerals, by virtue of their size, may well cause blockages and shorten the life of filters/membranes in the water treatment systems.
  • Continuous filtration is required when operating on hot water systems in order to remove these clumps.
  • Positioning of the system is critical, too close to the point of the problem (boiler, etc) and the precipitated crystals haven’t bound together and grown, too far away and they may have dissolved back into solution.
  • The effectiveness of ‘Wrap Around Coil’ and ‘Magnetic’ systems is reduced by the thickness of the pipe and any existing scale that is inside the pipe. As they are installed externally the field is having to penetrate the pipe and the scale before reaching the water.
  • Systems that rely on turbulence or disruption to the water to create a reaction will reduce the subsequent flow rate and water pressure.

The Integro™ Technology

The Integro™ prevents and removes limescale by injecting electrons into the water with sufficient energy to disrupt the bonding which otherwise occurs between different minerals. The injected electrons and associated energy realign the different ions in the water so they remain in their neutral atomic form. De ionen (meestal calcium en magnesium) zijn daardoor niet in staat zich met andere ionen te binden om een kristal te vormen en zullen niet neerslaan, ongeacht de temperatuur of druk. Since the scale forming ions stay in solution, they pass freely through the water systems.

The Integro™ guarantees the prevention and removal of limescale throughout all water systems, equipment and appliances. It is suitable for all environments, from the largest of commercial facilities to smaller businesses and residential settings.

What makes the Integro™ Different

  • The Integro™ is guaranteed to work in all environments and water conditions.
  • As well as the elimination of limescale, the Integro™ will significantly reduce rust and corrosion in your water system and equipment.
  • The system is maintenance and chemical free.
  • You benefit from a lifetime warranty when choosing one of our monthly service plans.


Traditional water conditioning systems have their place and provide some benefits in certain water conditions, but there can be no guarantee given that they will completely eliminate limescale buildup. There are ongoing risks to hot water equipment without suitable filtration.

The Integro™ works differently to other systems, both in terms of the technology itself, but more importantly its effectiveness. It is guaranteed to resolve your hard water problems.

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