Water Conditioning, Water Restructuring, Electrochemical Scale Elimination. These are just some of the terms used to describe systems designed to prevent limescale build-up via an electrochemical reaction.
Such systems include magnets, wrap around coils and catalytic exchange. They all have one thing in common; they cannot guarantee effective scale elimination in all environments. They are limited by the science that supports how they work. At best they can only help reduce the problem, not eliminate it.
In almost all cases these systems are encouraging the calcium carbonate ions to accumulate and form calcite, thereby causing them to precipitate out of solution. See the diagram below.
Now that the calcium is out of solution, it may not bind to form limescale, but it needs to be filtered from your water system. Failure to do so will result in appliances & heating equipment being fouled up and any remaining deposits simply dissolve back into solution.

Forced Precipitation
Limitations of Magnets, Coils & Catalytic Exchange
The precipitated minerals cause blockages and shorten the life of the filters/membranes.
Continuous filtration is required when operating on hot water systems in order to remove these precipitated solids.
The effectiveness of Wrap Around Coil systems is reduced by the thickness of the pipe and any excising scale that is inside the pipe.
The Integro™ was designed with all of this in mind and works in entirely the opposite way!
What Makes The Integro™ Different?

Limescale – Removal & Prevention
Rather than forcing the ions to bind together and precipitate out of solution, the Integro™ begins by breaking the ionic bonding ions by flooding the water with electrons. The ions are restructured, leaving them in their single neutral form and importantly, in solution. They will no longer bind to form limescale as they flow harmlessly through your water system.
The restructuring effects of the Integro™ are immediate and long lasting. The effectiveness of our solution is not limited by conditions l ike t ime, distance, temperature or water pressure, nor is it impacted by equipment such as pumps.

Reduced Surface Tension
The Integro™ is more than just a solution for limescale. An important benefit of adding electrons to the water solution is the reduction of hydrogen bonding between H2O molecules, thereby reducing surface tension.
The result is “Wetter Water”. Wetter Water has many benefits, including easier cleaning, better soil-leaching and allows the water to pass through filtration media (such as RO membranes) more easily.
The Integro™ Benefits
Whilst traditional water conditioning systems have their place and provide some benefits in certain water conditions, they will not completely prevent and remove limescale build-up and there are ongoing risks to hot water equipment without suitable filtration.
The Integro™ is unique in terms of how it works and its effectiveness, and is so much more than just a solution for limescale prevention. It provides significant benefits in multiple areas of water systems and equipment, helping reduce corrosion, improve efficiency, extend life of equipment and improve water hygiene.
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