11777 Bernardo Plaza Ct, Suite 208, San Diego, CA, 92128

We are Proud Members of Made in Britain

Sidon Water are delighted to have recently become members of the official Made in Britain organisation.

Made in Britain brings together the manufacturing community and exists to celebrate the diversity of British manufacturing and promote creativity as well as ensuring its longevity and growth. The approval process for members is stringent and with a thriving membership of over 1,400 manufacturing businesses across 60 business sectors, we are proud to now be able to display the registered collective mark. Only Made in Britain members are licensed to use this mark after providing evidence that they manufacture their products in Britain. Consumers can therefore buy with the confidence that they are boosting the British economy and supporting British jobs.

Sidon Water collaborates with key manufacturing partners within Scotland. Established in 1905, Normand and Thomson in Dalgety Bay, Fife are providing their expertise in pipe manufacturing, assembly and testing. Also based in Fife, in Kirkcaldy, Key-tech Electronic Systems will be responsible for the sourcing manufacturing and assembly of all electronic and electrical aspects of the technology.

Sidon Water has also received extensive support from organisations as Scottish Enterprise, Business Gateway Fife and SMAS (Scottish Manufacturing Advisory Service).

Specializing in resolving hard water issues via chemical-free water restructuring, Sidon Water’s Integro™ technology guarantees the prevention and removal of limescale throughout all water systems, equipment and appliances. It is suitable for all environments, from the largest of commercial facilities to smaller businesses and residential settings.

Contact us today via our website to see how our British manufactured technology can help you with your hard water problems.