Calle Pardela 2, B6 P1 BD, 35660 Corralejo, Las Palmas, Corralejo, Spain

Cooling Towers

Cooling Tower Water Conservation Solution

Optimise Efficiency & Reduce Costs with Sidon’s effective Water Management Solution.

The Problem

Tackling the Challenges of Hard Water in Cooling Towers

Limescale, corrosion and the associated degradation of components have long been problems in cooling towers. These lead to excess waste water, a loss of efficiency in heating and cooling systems and significant bacteriological issues such as Legionella.

Traditional solutions typically involve a combination of chemicals and water softening, all of which have significant damaging environmental implications.

These issues demand an innovative solution that addresses both the immediate and long-term impacts of hard water.

A comprehensive solution must tackle limescale, prevent its formation, and address corrosion and bacterial issues, all while being environmentally sustainable and cost-effective.

Our Solution

Maintenance Free Advanced Side Stream Filtration

Our proprietary, advanced plasma water technology has been integrated with proven filtration processes to create the Sidon Water Conservation Solution for Cooling Towers. It drastically reduces the amount of “blow down” water that is wasted through normal cooling tower operations, while at the same time greatly reducing scale formation and corrosion in essential cooling tower components.

The implementation of this unique water conservation technology will result in significant water savings, reduction in chemical use, improved energy efficiency and decreased repair expenses.

What You’ll Get:

Solutions Comparison

Sidon Water’s Solution
Other Chemical-Free Systems
Conventional Chemical Treatment System
Corrosion Control
Limescale Prevention & Removal
Maintenance Free
No Chemical Cleaning Required
Environmentally Friendly
Water Conservation
Estimated 60% – 80%
Estimated 20% – 50%
Energy Savings
Estimated 10% – 30%
Estimated 5% – 15%

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