Saltire Centre, Pentland Ct, Glenrothes KY6 2DA

Solution for Removal of Limescale Build-up

The IntegroTM, Chemical Free Water Restructuring.

The Industryā€™s Most Effective Water Restructuring System

This unique technology removes existing limescale deposits in water systems, equipment and appliances, as well as preventing future scale build-up. Our solution is effective regardless of the water hardness, temperature and pressure, all conditions that see less effective solutions fail.

Unlike traditional water conditioning solutions that force the scale forming ions to precipitate, the IntegroTMĀ breaks down and restructures these ions, leaving them in solution in their single neutral form. Further details on the difference between our technology and other systems (magnets, coils, catalytic exchange, etc) can be foundĀ here (Does Water Conditioning Work?).

Integroā„¢ Restructuring Effect

The Integroā„¢ injects electrons into the water, disrupting the natural bonding between minerals like calcium and magnesium. This process keeps the ions in their neutral form, preventing them from binding to form limescale.

  1. Calcium carbonate Ions enter the IntegroTM
  2. Bonds are broken between calcium and carbonate
  3. Positively charged calcium attracts negatively charged electrons added by the IntegroTM
  4. Neutral calcium remains in solution and will not bind with other ions

Wetter Water

An important benefit of adding electrons to the water solution is the reduction of hydrogen bonding between H2O molecules, thereby reducing surface tension. This means “Wetter Water”.Ā  Wetter Water means easier cleaning, better soil-leaching and allows the water to pass through filtration media (such as RO membranes) more easily.

  1. Water clusters, made up of a number of H2O molecules joined by hydrogen bonds, enter the IntegroTM
  2. The hydrogen bonds are broken as the water clusters pass through the Integroā„¢
  3. The result is ā€˜Wetter Waterā€™ with a reduced surface tension

Case Studies on Prevention & Removal of Limescale

Other Resources on Limescale

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